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Winparts is an electronic parts pricing catalogue program to help you import pricefiles from your suppliers, quickly and easily lookup parts prices, and compare prices between suppliers. It is also commonly used to keep a supplier's large pricefile without having to keep all of those parts in AM-Win where only a small portion of them are commonly used.

The sell and/or cost prices displayed by Winparts may be manipulated to suit almost any business and pricing matrix. Most ASCII Price catalogues can be imported into Winparts and redisplayed after adjusting the price factors to suit. All Price recalculations are done “on the fly”, this makes the results immediate with NO lengthy re pricing processes to run. Orders may be created or items added to the AM-Win ordering bucket as required. These items are then automatically either repriced or added to the AM-Win stock file.

Multiple formats can be imported into Winparts from sources such as CSV, Fixed Length, OPEA, Excel and also via Web Service capability. The data can then be exported or repriced with an integration into AM-Win. Winparts allows access to hundreds of thousands or even millions of part numbers from various suppliers at the same time without all of these items being added to your AM-Win inventory. This means that all items can be available within Winparts but only a subset of those used on a regular basis would be within the AM-Win stock file. Winparts allows easy updating of pricing information from file provided by your supplier in the formats mentioned above.