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At AM-WIN software we believe that our software products are the most valuable asset a job based business will ever own.

Are you in business for yourself providing advice and guidance to other small businesses.

Or maybe you're a "guru" in your industry, flying the wings off your computer system and already providing assistance and advice to other operators in your type of field.

We are currently seeking new Consultants for areas around Australia. If you're one of these people then you may qualify to become an AM-Win Consultant.

AM-Win is well recognised among potential clients in service based industries around Australia and our user base of over 3000 clients provides a qualified referral base on which to build. Our software can be tailored for many different industries [see front page of our website] therefore client opportunities are wide and varied.

Full training and mentoring is provided to all consultants by our State Distributors.

If you think you fit the bill please contact us using the map below. Click on your state to find a national distributor responsible for your new territory.


Businesses come in different sizes and so does AM-Win software.

For example a small business may not want a full general ledger or automatic stock purchasing based on usage, but a medium to large enterprise might find them necessary for the day to day operation of the business.

For this reason we provide AM-Win in three different levels so that your client need only purchase the system that's right for them. Each level in the range is upgradeable to those above. If your client grows and needs further functionality AM-Win will grow with them - seamlessly as all data is interchangeable between levels.

Industry Data

Many industries that we service use data [e.g, price files and supercession information] that is provided by their suppliers. This data usually integrates seamlessly with our AM-Win software and provides an immediate "foot in the door" to your new prospects.